Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Question: What's WORSE than cancer?

As mentioned in an earlier post, I have TWO books I *want* to write:

Book 1- The Worst Thing About Cancer Is Other People (TWTACIOP)

Book 2- Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight (FDSTSUE)

I'm NOT in writing mode these days.  For now, it's just ideas spinning in my head.  But the ideas are taking shape and starting to solidify.

FALL DOWN SEVEN TIMES, STAND UP EIGHT  will be a memoir about everything I went through during cancer.  You'd think that cancer would be the worst thing, but in many ways it wasn't.  The hell that George Brown College put me through while I was dealing with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and such felt even worse.

And a thing has to be pretty awful to be worse than cancer.  What George Brown College did to me, how they treated me, was indeed WORSE THAN CANCER to me.

..... I'd like to believe that all the acrimony and antagonism was put to rest when we came to a settlement of our differences in October.  But the recent issue of digital access/digital barring raises questions.  I want to believe everything and everyone is acting in good faith, but I guess I will only know that as time passes on....

In any case, I know this will be one helluva book whenever I finish it and get it published.  

It's been a long road... one hell of a journey.

***When I eventually write FDSTSUE, I will give full details and supporting dox. 

More shenanigans from George Brown College

Even though I am and have continually been an employee at George Brown College, the bullying and stonewalling tactics by George Brown College -  specifically by a number of people in the Human Resources Dept, such as Roanna Moses, Jaismeen Rai, and now it seems to include Erin Campbell (to name but a few) - seem designed to make me feel like I am NOT an employee.  (See earlier post about getting my belongings from campus).


For instance, I always had digital access to George Brown digital platforms, portal,  etc.  Then *suddenly* in mid 2020, my acess was restricted.  Hmm.

I advised my Counsel, who advised George Brown College's Counsel and my digital access was reinstated around 20th September 2022.

Now *suddenly* my employee access is restricted again.  Erin Campbell in human resources at George Brown College tried to say it was a password issue.  Hmm.  But my password works fine - I can access everything online EXCEPT employee specific webpages.

So, is the stonewalling up and at 'em again?  Instead of being physically barred from George Brown College am I now being digitally barred?  Is this the lastest bullying trick  from human resources, or is it merely incompetence????  

Could it be just an innocent mistake????  Hmm.  This doesn't sound right to me...????  My full employee access was reinstated in SEPT.  Someone had to make a *choice* to have my access restricted again just a few weeks later...

Hmm.  Who knows?