Monday, April 9, 2012

Fab review of THE LIES HAVE IT

This review of THE LIES HAVE IT came in over the weekend, and it sure made me smile!  I am always happy to read a review, but it especially pleases me when reviewers pick up on my favourite aspects of the book(s).

The two things I love most about writing the Sasha Jackson books are 1) the main character, and 2) the setting.  I find those two facets of writing to be the easiest and most enjoyable to do.  (I also like writing dialogue, but have to remind myself to do it).

Anyhow, Helen Ginger's review starts off by saying "I like Sasha. She's tenacious," and ends with " I'd like to meet Sasha," so naturally, I was quite pleased.

As for the setting, well, Ginger says, "Edmondson makes Toronto come alive on the page. She makes me want to go there."  Praise for the setting doesn't get much better than this!

Read the whole review on Straight from Hel (and read many other great book reviews here as well).


  1. that is awesome-- wish I could get more reviews-- how do you do it?

  2. That's another great review Jill. Well done!


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